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Tax Day Goes to May 17 Because current pandemic situation IRS changed the file day deadline for most of the tax return forms. This date is moved from April 15 to May 17. So, don't need to worry if you don't have time to file your 1040 form or any other. Please note. These changes are made because of the pandemic si...
5 Tax Myths for Creative Freelancers The tax period is finally over, and you can relax for a minute, take a deep breath, and start checking out tax declarations for this year. There is various tax advice that people give to each other. And many of them are based on the myths and have nothing to do with the actual tax paying system. We...
Health Plan And Taxes One of the most important questions we ask ourselves daily is what health plan to choose and how it will affect our taxes. Let’s talk about FSA and HSA variants. While taxation is simply unavoidable, you may check the most beneficial option for you and your health. No matter whether you prefer...
Tax Credits For Small Business: 2020 Guide If you are looking for small business credit to support your own business, you have to be armored with information as much as you can. As the small business owner, you can ask for a tax credit that will cut the taxes you pay to the US. Even big businesses file for tax credits from time to time. Some...
How to Choose The Best Tax Software Online tax return forms are about to fully replace printable forms in the near future. However, filling them out remains a stressful activity for every U.S. citizen. Fortunately, software developers know about this problem and provide both free and paid headache-killing solutions for filling out tax...